You’re Invited,
upcoming events

The Gathering 07/07/2024

The Gathering 07/07/2024

✨ Join us for the Gathering this Sunday evening, June 7th, for a Poem Potluck on Zoom from 6 to 7 pm MT!

As we gather together this week, we'll focus on fellowship and being in community with one another, so our structure will be a bit less formal.

Just like it sounds, as a part of a Poem Potluck, we invite you to bring a poem that holds special meaning to you. It's a wonderful way to share a piece of yourself with the group. But if you don’t have one to share, don’t let it stop you from coming. We’d love to see you there!

Register here:

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The Gathering 06/02/24

The Gathering 06/02/24

✨ Join us for the Gathering this Sunday evening, June 2nd, on Zoom from 6 to 7 pm MT!

As we gather together this week, we'll focus on fellowship and being in community with one another.

Instead of a story this week, we’re asking you to bring a link to your favorite song — whether it describes your personality or represents your current mood.

All are welcome; we hope to see you there!

Register here:

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The Gathering

The Gathering

✨ Join us for the Gathering this Sunday evening, May 19th, on Zoom from 6 to 7 pm MT!

Our theme is “Pentecost: Breath, Voice, Body.”

As we gather together, we'll reflect on this theme through the lens of Acts 2.

As part of our Relational Storytelling Ritual, we invite you to share a short story about a time when you felt a deep sense of belonging or helped someone else deepen a sense of belonging. What made that experience significant?

All are welcome; we hope to see you there!

Register here:

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

✨ Join us for the Gathering this Sunday evening, January 21st, on Zoom from 6 to 7 pm MT!

This will be our first Gathering of the year, and we will gather together at our new day and time.

We're reflecting on what it means to work towards unity with love amongst global Christians. Our scripture will come from Luke 10:25-37, and for the Relational Storytelling Ritual, we will invite you to share a story about a time when you received love from, or showed love to, someone unexpected or in an unexpected way.

All are welcome; we hope to see you there.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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Sacramental Service of Ordination + Covenanting of Rev. Candace Woods

Sacramental Service of Ordination + Covenanting of Rev. Candace Woods

We invite you to join us for this celebratory occasion either in person or via Zoom.

Candace Woods has been a Member-in-Discernment (UCC ordination process) with Juniper Formation over the past year plus, she has been approved for ordination by the Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Church of Christ, and Juniper Formation is calling her as our Minister of Gender + Sexuality Liberation. This service is both an ordination and covenanting (covenant between Candace, Juniper Formation, and the Rocky Mountain Conference UCC).

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering (Copy)

The Gathering (Copy)

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

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